Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Ecstasy of Boredom

Tick tock the clock is annoying me. I've been sitting around all morning, messing with consoles, and this is probably the most exciting thing I've done all day. . . and it's not much I'll give you that. So I'm going to try to find things to do the rest of the day without getting distracted and frying my games with the video games. I'm probably going to do something in the snow, since we got some this week. I better get out there, BEFORE it melts. Who says the suns really that great? I personally like clouds and snow.
Anyway, before today I have been frying my brains on video games. At least that is what my mom says. Especially since i'm off of school, and don't have math etc. etc. to keep my brain running. I've been thinking about it, and I realize I don't get much out of the experience of wasting hours staring at lights flash before my eyes. (but that doesn't mean I'll stop heh heh) I've been learning the violin, and I'm making much progress! I can play the can can, scotlands burning, ode to joy, simplified of course, and part of a lord of the rings song, again, simplified.
Not much else going on. Except making fun of political crap that my dad says I don't understand but I do.